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Sixties City

Welcome - to the home of music, memories and magic of the most fun and exciting decade in history!!
Sixties City is a Golden Web Award winner
                                    'Sixties Girl' c. Sixties City

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Sixties City Home Page

Whether you're feeling nostalgic, researching some facet of the Sixties or just browsing, you are very welcome here at Sixties City
. For some it's history, for others it's memories or just plain curiosity..... for me it's all of these, and more - I love the Sixties! Whether or not you were born in the 'Baby Boom' of the Fifties and Sixties there is something here for you - browse the menu listing on the left
I hope you'll find this a fab and child-safe starting place for exploring, appreciating or reminiscing the many and varied aspects of a truly fantastic and unique decade.

     Many subjects are pretty well complete and definitive, such as the charts pages. Others are as accurate as I can make them using information from many sources, such as the history of the pop pirates, and there are hundreds of other pages on many aspects of the decade which I hope you will find attractive, entertaining and informative. There are also many links to other sites which, in many cases, specialise and expand on aspects of the 60s and subjects which, so far, I have only touched on briefly.
     This site deals mainly with the British Sixties although, of course, these changes were happening to a greater or lesser extent throughout much of the world, particularly America, and there were many cross-cultural exchanges of fashion, ideas and music, which are also included. These, for a lot of us, were 'the good times'.

The Story Of 'Mersey Beat'

The 60s Liverpool Music Paper
by founder Bill Harry
Mersey Beat

Star Trek:
A Phenomenon and
Social Statement on the 1960s

J. William Snyder, Jr.

This day's events in history
News and Events for this date through the years

Recent Additions:
The Story Of 'Mersey Beat'
Star Trek - A 60s Social Statement
The True Story Of The Cavern
The Mersey Sound
Bob Wooler Interview

Sixties Music
New Questions Daily!
Test your Sixties knowledge against
me and others in this online 60s quiz
(British / American)
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Costs you nothing! Your click on the "Give Free Food" button funds food for the hungry, paid for by site sponsors

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Site and Page UpdatesSite LinkingLink LogosPage ViewingContent AccuracyCopyright Issues

If you have visited before, file locations and content change fairly regularly. I do recommend that you refresh all pages in your PC memory
.... and please - if you mail me, make the title relevant - I get so much junk mail I delete things like 'Hello' without opening it!

Regardless of how bad your ageing eyes are becoming,
I recommend using 1024 resolution for all pages as I've had laser surgery!

Throughout the pages you will find specific links to places where you can view and acquire the web services that this site uses and also, should you wish, buy some of the items featured.
Any small income generated from the retail sites is to support Sixties City's continued upkeep and growth - I do love you visiting, but am discovering that there is a price to be paid for popularity!

Although many sections are now definitive and complete, most pages contain a periodically updated general overview and tend to reflect my own personal interests and memories.

Many of the pages are quite heavy in graphics as it was always my intention to present the site in a kind of 'magazine' format and may take a little while to fully load. Most graphics are in .jpg format
and are uncompressed to give you better image quality.
I hope that you will find it worth the short wait. All areas of the site can be considered to be under constant construction with new
and improved pages appearing as they are completed. Major updates can be viewed here.

I hope you find the pages and content useful and informative and that they give you as much pleasure exploring them as I have had in creating them. I am always interested in your questions, comments
and constructive criticism. Also, if you have a Sixties-related site suitable for linking or can provide material for subjects not covered yet, I'd love to hear from you

Why the recent major changes to the site?
One reason, of course, is to improve the look of the site, make it easier for me to manage and for you to navigate.

More importantly - you will have, I hope, noticed the 'Women's Aid' and 'Stop Violence Against Women' messages on a lot of the pages. Kasinobonukset
This is a subject about which I have become much more aware and it was obvious that some of the site content was unacceptable and incompatible with this
message and point of view so
I have removed the more salacious content and links. It is my intent that what remains is necessary to provide a reasonable,
interesting and hopefully balanced image of what were considered to be 'permissive' times but would be grateful for any comment you wish to make in this regard.

For those of you who think this is unimportant, I will be providing information on 'feminism in the sixties' and some links to current
subject matter and ways of thinking. Norske Spilleautomater When available, please take the opportunity to spend even just a small amount of time reading these
and thinking about the issues from both sides.

No-one's perfect......
It is almost impossible to check all the links and images on something this large and still growing. If you find any 'bloopers' - please let me know!

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