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Sixties City
Sixties City - General Site Information
Sixties City is a Golden Web Award winner
                                    'Sixties Girl' c. Sixties City

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Sixties City Home Page

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E-mail me at Sixties City

This is the boring page - all about the construction and various aspects of the information presented.
Check here if you want to see specific updates to the site or, for other information, please
click on any of the links above. You could also just scroll down.......

More information will appear here when major updates are performed or new sections are added / completed.
Smaller updates will still be ongoing on a regular and frequent basis.
I do try to answer all e-mail and questions.
Thanks for sending them, and for your patience in waiting for a reply. Keep them coming!

Otherwise..... just get back to the main content and enjoy!

Site and Page Update History

Latest Updates - Go To Index Page

May to September 2025
Complete rebuild of every single page - hundreds of them!
Tons of additional info, new, more and better images and links.
You obviously didn't want to chat live so I've removed that feature. However...........
NEW for 20th September: A message forum where you can post on Sixties-related subjects, ask for answers on those annoying questions that seem to crop up now and then or, ask about items that you are trying to track down. ALSO - a fab online quiz for you to play against others, online - with different questions daily!

November 2025:
Comprehensive Sixties pirate radio station location map - I haven't found another one!
New pages on The Liverpool Sound - 'Merseybeat', A Bob Wooler Interview and 'The True Story of The Cavern'
Also, quite a few new images and links for you and an updated 'Bobby Darin Tribute' page.

Coming soon..... I am expecting to be able to provide a unique article by Bill Harry - 'The Story of Mersey Beat' in the very near future - keep visiting please!
Love to have you here!

Linking To and From This Site

The link address is now: if you don't want to go through a gateway page!

If you are already linked to .htm pages, don't worry - I have put in gateway pages, but it would be nice if you could update to avoid the necessary delay.

Please don't link directly to individual images on this site. They change occasionally and you will find yourself with dead links. If you want to use any of them,
(apart from the logo girl on the index page which is my copyright!), feel free, but please read my notes regarding copyright before using them on your own pages.

If you have a relevant site that you think I might like to put a link to please let me know by e-mail, I'd like to see it.
Any aspect of the Sixties is of interest, no matter how small. Nothing sexist, pornographic or with dubious links will be considered.

If you care to put a link to my site on your pages, huge thanks, but
please link to the main title page rather than individual sections.
I'm upgrading to shtm pages and they won't exist for too much longer!

It would also be nice if you would e-mail me to let me know.

Link Logos and Images
Here are some link logos for the site if you want to use them. If you prefer the alternative logos appearing on any of the pages you have found, please feel free to 'lift' and use them instead - I don't mind. If you need to resize them for use on your pages and can't achieve decent quality, please ask me for another version - no problem!

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Dark Backgrounds

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Sixties City pages is best viewed at 1024 x 768 in IE5+ due to the nature of the page construction. At the moment, just a very few may be better in 800 x 600.
Original pages were constructed with the common 800 resolution. A lot of the images appear even better at 1024 resolution.
A few images are compressed jpeg or gif with the consequent loss of quality. Most jpeg images have been loaded in uncompressed format which provides better quality screen reproduction but, unfortunately, take a little longer to load - c'est la vie - doin' the best I can!

Content Accuracy and Advertising Banners

Amazon links are provided throughout the site. If you purchase items from Amazon through these links I receive a small percentage of the sale which helps to pay for the bandwidth needed to keep this site operational. Some sixties-related items available from Amazon are featured in various places on the site but, of course, you also have fuul access to current chart items, videos, books and many other terrific items which Amazon has to offer. If you use Amazon regularly, please use the link-through from this site when you buy - then we both get a good deal!

The web service advertising banners appearing on Sixties City are provided by the companies whose services I use in the presentation of this site. Their services are provided to me free of charge and it is right that I should promote their services in return. I receive no income or profit for their promotion, but I have experienced nothing but excellent service from all of them and highly recommend them to you if you are starting, or want to improve, your own web pages or site. They are well worth considering.

The costs of keeping this site going are increasing, so I may have to take on paid advertising to help. If I have to remove a 'free' link to your site at their insistence, sorry, but I'll have to go with that. At least you got some coverage for a while. Or ask - it's not likely to be that expensive.
Internet Hosting Services, Domain Names and Free Webspace are provided by Velnet

This site has taken me years to construct and a lot of that time has been spent on research. I've done my best to make sure the facts are correct but I can't accept any responsibility for consequences due to errors that might exist in any of the information appearing on these pages. If you do notice any checkable inaccuracies I would appreciate it if you would let me know.
Some of you already have - thank you for taking the trouble!


I have very little information regarding copyright contacts for pictures appearing here - I have seen most of them in various locations with no copyright contact information.

I am using them to illustrate the articles purely for interest and fan purposes, but if I have upset anyone through their use, please advise me and I will either remove them or be only too pleased to give credit to the copyright owner if that is acceptable.

I DO own the copyright for 'Sixties Girl' and for
ALL ORIGINAL text and artificial graphics on these pages. If you want to reproduce any of it by whatever means, please ask. I'll probably say yes - but it would be nice to know where it is going!

The same offer applies to sound files, particularly midi file authors, with whose work I am totally impressed. Registered names and logos also remain the copyright of the particular owners. Again, I only reproduce them for interest purposes and the same condition applies.

To anyone who does hold copyrights on any of these and lets them stay on here, a very big
THANK YOU! I would also like to pay tribute to the authors of the many books and web sites I have looked at while putting this together as I can now appreciate, even if only to a small extent, the amount of work involved.

I hope you find the pages interesting, informative and, most of all, fun!  

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SixtiesCity 2025