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Pop and Music Television Shows of the Sixties
The first BBC pop programme Six-Five
Special hit our screens on 16th February 1957, introduced
by Peter Murray and Josephine Douglas, ending on 22nd November 1958
when the legendary Jack Good moved to Independent Television.
A little-known 'rock' programme called Galaxy was also transmitted
by ITV in 1958. Other pre-1960
pop shows which evolved the general format of the early Sixties shows
included Dig This! Oh
Boy! Drumbeat and Associated
Rediffusion's Cool For Cats which started
on 31st December 1956 and survived until 1961, going out originally
for 15 minutes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and featuring Rock'n'Roll
and other contemporary music. It was introduced by Kent Walton, of
Saturday afternoon wrestling fame, and Ker Robertson. The ground-breaking
show was devised and directed by Joan Kemp-Welch.
So . . . let's go! I hope you can find what you are looking for or,
if you're just browsing, enjoy the memories. Some thumbnails are linked
to larger images. If you can remember or think of any shows I've left
out - there must be a few!
wish to make a comment or even, hopefully, add to the information,
then do please e-mail me!
Your Lucky Stars
Steady Go! |
Of The Pops
Box Jury |
Command Shows
Song Contest |