Hammer Film Productions
/ Seven Arts Productions
Director: start: Alvin
Rakoff / finish: Roy Ward Baker
95 minutes, Colour, RCA Sound
Bette Davis, Sheila
Hancock, Jack Hedley, James Cossins,
Elaine Taylor, Christian Roberts, Timothy Bateson

Must Be Destroyed
Hammer Film Productions
Director: Terence Fisher
97 minutes, Technicolor, RCA Sound
Peter Cushing, Veronica
Carlson, Simon Ward,
Freddie Jones, Thorley Walters, Maxine Audley
Vengeance Of She
Hammer Film Productions
/ Seven Arts Productions
Director: Cliff Owen
101 minutes, Colour, RCA Sound
John Richardson, Olinka
Berova, Edward Judd, Colin Blakely,
Derek Godfrey, Jill Melford, George Sewell

Zero Two
Warner Brothers
/ Seven Arts / Hammer Film Productions
Director: Roy Ward
100 minutes, Technicolor, RCA Sound
James Olson, Catherina
von Schell, Warren Mitchell,
Adrienne Corri, Ori Levy, Dudley Foster, Bernard Bresslaw
Devil Rides Out
(USA: The Devil's Bride)
AB Pathe / Hammer
Film Productions / Seven Arts Productions
Director: Terence Fisher
96 minutes, Technicolor, RCA Sound
Christopher Lee, Charles
Gray, Nike Arrighi, Leon Greene,
Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies, Patrick Mower

(USA: Prehistoric Women)
Hammer Film Productions
/ Seven Arts Productions
Director: Michael Carreras
95 minutes (USA), 74 minutes (UK as
a double feature)
DeLuxe Colour, CinemaScope, RCA Sound
Martine Beswick, Edina
Ronay, Michael Latimer,
Stephanie Randall, Carol White, Alexandra Stevenson

Has Risen From The Grave
Hammer Film
Director: Freddie Francis
92 minutes, Technicolor, Mono Sound
Christopher Lee, Rupert
Davies, Veronica Carlson,
Barbara Ewing, Barry Andrews, Marion Mathie

Lost Continent
Hammer Film Productions
/ Seven Arts Productions
Director: Michael Carreras
89 minutes, Colour, RCA Sound
Eric Porter, Hildegard
Knef, Suzanna Leigh, Tony Beckley,
Nigel Stock, Neil McCallum