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      1969 Births and Deaths      

1969 Academy Awards - The 'Oscars'
Best Actor: John Wayne ( True Grit )
Best Actress: Maggie Smith ( The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie )
Best Film: Midnight Cowboy

Eurovision  Song Contest

1969 ended in a 4-way tie!

United Kingdom
  Lulu  'Boom Bang-A-Bang'
Spain  Salome  'Viva Cantando'
France  Frida Boccara  'Un Jour, Un Enfant'
Holland  Lennie Kuhr  'De Troubador'

Scroll down or choose from the list below


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Books about 'The Sixties' at Amazon


1969 - General

The Average Wage: £24.16s.5d

  Timothy Leary is cleared of drugs related charges
Cilla Black marries her manager Bobby Willis
Snooker's 'Pot Black' is launched on television
French President Charles DeGaulle is forced to resign
Cricket's John Player Sunday League starts
Colonel Gaddafi seizes power in Libya
Midnight Cowboy is the first 'X'-rated film to win an Oscar
Ho Chi Minh, 'The father of Vietnam' dies
The PASCAL computer language is developed
ITA's Emley Moor transmitter mast collapses
Miss World is Eva Reuber-Staier ( Miss Austria )
Alexander Solzhenitsyn is expelled from the Russian Writers Union
The world's longest bridge, over 23 miles, is completed in Louisiana
Unemployment quoted at 557,700
Bobby Charlton is awarded the O.B.E.
The R.A.F. gets it's first Harrier jump-jet
Troop withdrawals begin from Vietnam
British troops move into Northern Ireland
Britain abolishes capital punishment
Rhodesia becomes a Republic
North Sea oil is first discovered
The voting age is reduced from 21 to 18 Lulu marries BeeGee Maurice Gibb
Miss Universe is Gloria Diaz ( Miss Philippines )
Christopher Cockerell, the inventor of the hovercraft, is knighted
Sony introduce the U-Matic colour video cassette recorder
The first in-vitro human egg fertilisation is achieved by Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards

The Home Secretary orders the destruction of Britain's obsolete 'Dr Who' style police boxes as personal radios become commonplace

Grand Prix drivers Lucien Bianchi, Paul Hawkins, Gerhard Mitter and Moises Solana lose their lives in race crashes, bringing the decade total to 21

January 1969

Singer Peter Frampton leaves 'The Herd' to go solo

1st Sir Learie Constantine (right) becomes Britain's first black life peer

1st Rupert Murdoch wins the take-over battle with Robert Maxwell for 'The News of the World'

5th The riots in Derry, Northern Ireland, result in over 100 people injured

6th James Lister, director of 'Gilligan's Island' and 'Wild, Wild West' dies

10th After 147 years, the last issue of the (US) Saturday Evening Post is published

11th 'Just William' creator Richmal Crompton dies aged 78

14th Sir Matt Busby announces his retirement as manager of Manchester United Football Club

14th An explosion aboard the carrier USS Enterprise near Hawaii kills 25 crew

15th The Soviet Union launches Soyuz 5

16th Ten paintings are defaced in New York's Metropolitan Art Gallery

16th Student Jan Palach sets fire to himself in Prague's Wenceslas Square in protest to the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union, and dies three days later

20th Richard Nixon succeeds Lyndon Johnson as President of the United States

23rd The government rejects proposals to legalise cannabis

27th 14 men, including nine Jews, are executed in Baghdad for spying for Israel

27th Reverend Ian Paisley is jailed for three months for illegal assembly

30th The Beatles make their last ever public appearance, from the roof of Apple Studios in London

February 1969

E.P.s are excluded from the pop chart listings

Elvis records in Memphis for the first time since 1955

2nd Horror king Boris Karloff dies

4th Yasser Arafat (right) is appointed PLO leader at the Palestinian National Congress

8th Beatle George Harrison has his tonsils removed at University College Hospital in London

9th The Boeing 747 'Jumbo Jet' makes its maiden flight near Seattle, U.S.A.

9th Actor George 'Gabby' Hayes dies

13th FLQ terrorists bomb the Stock Exchange in Montreal, Quebec

14th Radio presenter Kenneth Horne dies

23rd Ex-test cricketer the Reverend David Sheppard is appointed Bishop of Woolwich

24th The Mariner 6 Mars probe is launched by NASA

25th President Richard Nixon visits Queen Elizabeth II

28th Robert Kennedy's assassin Sirhan Sirhan is refused a request to be executed

March 1969

1st Princess Anne carries out her first public engagement

1st US baseball legend Mickey Mantle announces his retirement

1st The Doors' Jim Morrison is arrested for lewd behaviour and drunkenness after a show in Miami

2nd Concorde 001makes its maiden flight from Toulouse

2nd Soviet and Chinese forces clash at a border outpost on the Ussuri River

3rd In a Los Angeles court, Sirhan Sirhan (right) admits killing presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy

3rd NASA launches Apollo 9 to test the lunar module, a 10-day mission

5th At the No.1 court in the Old Bailey the Kray twins are sentenced to life for murder

10th James Earl Ray is sentenced to 99 years imprisonment

11th 'Day Of The Triffids' author John Wyndham dies aged 65

12th Beatle Paul McCartney marries Kodak heiress Linda Eastman (right, bottom)

George and Patti Harrison are arrested for possession of cannabis after a raid on their home

Golda Meir becomes Prime Minister of Israel

20th Beatle John Lennon marries Yoko Ono in Gibraltar

25th Bandleader Billy Cotton dies aged 69

28th Ex-American President Dwight D. Eisenhower dies in the Walter Reed Army Hospital

April 1969

The Open University is brought into existence by the grant of its Royal Charter

The voting age in the UK is reduced from 21 to 18

The Hawker Siddeley Harrier (right, top)enters service with the RAF

Doctor Denton Cooley implants the first temporary artificial heart

Four Britons reach the North Pole after a 47-day dogsled journey

Concorde 002 makes its maiden UK flight from Filton, Bristol

18th Bernadette Devlin, aged 21, is elected as M.P. for Mid-Ulster (right, bottom)

20th British troops arrive in Northern Ireland

22nd The liner Queen Elizabeth II starts her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York

22nd Robin Knox-Johnston becomes the first person to sail around the world solo without stopping

23rd Sirhan Sirhan is sentenced to the gas chamber ( later commuted )

25th Mrs Dale's Diary ends its run on B.B.C.Radio after more than 5,400 episodes

28th General de Gaulle resigns as President of France after suffering defeat in a referendum

May 1969

3rd Jimi Hendrix is arrested in Toronto for possession of heroin

6th In Belfast, Ian Paisley is freed under a wide-ranging amnesty

9th The Vatican drops St.Christopher from the liturgical calendar

14th Martin Lamble, the Freeport Convention drummer, is killed in a crash on the M1

16th Soviet spacecraft Venera 5 sends back data before crashing on the surface of Venus

16th Pete Townshend is arrested in New York for "assaulting" a plainclothes police officer

17th Soviet Venera 6 sends atmospheric data from Venus before being crushed by pressure

17th Tom McClean completes the first solo transatlantic crossing by rowboat

18th Graham Hill (right) wins the Monaco Grand Prix for a record fifth time

18th NASA launches Apollo 10 on an 8-day mission

21st The Beatles announce Allen Klein as their financial manager

22nd Apollo 10's lunar module flies within 15,400 m of the moon's surface

26th John Lennon and Yoko Ono start their Bed-In at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal

27th Jeffrey Hunter, first Captain of Star Trek's 'Enterprise', dies as the result of a head trauma

June 1969

Cilla Black (right, top) has plastic surgery on her nose

2nd The Canadian National Arts Centre in Ottawa opens its doors to the public for the first time

2nd Australian aircraft carrier 'Melbourne' collides with the US destroyer 'Frank E. Evans' in the South China Sea killing 74 American sailors

7th Manfred Mann announce they are disbanding

8th Brian Jones quits The Rolling Stones

8th American actor Robert Taylor dies of lung cancer aged 57

13th Actress Martita Hunt dies aged 69

16th Earl Alexander of Tunis dies

18th A pesticide spill in the River Rhine, Germany, kills millions of fish

19th The musical review "Oh! Calcutta!" opens in New York

20th High grade crude oil deposits are discovered in the North Sea

20th Georges Pompidou is elected President of France

21st American tennis player 'Little Mo' Connolly dies aged 34

22nd Entertainer Judy Garland (right, bottom) dies, aged 47, after an accidental overdose of sleeping pills

24th The United Kingdom and Rhodesia sever diplomatic ties

25th 'Pancho' Gonzales beats Charlie Pasarell in the longest ever tennis singles match - 112 games

27th The Stonewall riots mark the start of the modern gay rights movement in the U.S.

28th Banks open on a Saturday for the last time

29th The Pop Proms begin at the Royal Albert Hall

July 1969

Golfer Tony Jacklin wins the Open at Lytham St.Annes

1st The Investiture of Prince Charles as the 19th Prince of Wales takes place at Caernarvon Castle

3rd Brian Jones of The Rolling Stones is found drowned in his swimming pool as a result of a drugs overdose

5th The Rolling Stones hold their free concert in Hyde Park

7th French is made equal to English throughout the Canadian national government

8th The first U.S. troop withdrawals are made from Vietnam

16th NASA launches the Apollo 11 moon landing mission

18th Edward M. Kennedy drives off a bridge at Chappaquiddick Island, killing Mary Jo Kopechne

20th Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to walk on the moon at 03:56 BST

20th During the American moon landing Russia lands an unmanned space craft 500 miles away

24th Apollo 11 returns safely to Earth

26th Elvis recommences live performances (right)

30th Richard Nixon makes an unscheduled visit to South Vietnam and meets with President Nguyen Van Thieu

31st The halfpenny ceases to be legal tender in the UK

August 1969

Kiki Dee becomes the first British girl singer to be signed by Motown

1st The old halfpenny is withdrawn from circulation

5th Mariner 7 makes its closest fly-by of Mars (3,524 kilometres)

8th Handley-Page, Britain's oldest aircraft manufacturer, calls in the receivers

9th The Charles Manson (right) 'family' murder Sharon Tate and 4 others including Jay Sebring and Abigail Folger

14th British troops are deployed in Northern Ireland

15th Start of the 'Woodstock' 3 day pop festival attended by 450,000 people in New York State

15th Hurricane Camille hits the Mississippi coast killing 248 people and causing US$1.5 billion in damage

30th - 31st Bob Dylan stars in the second Isle of Wight pop festival

30th First internet connection on the ARPANET between UCLA and Stanford University, California

31st Undefeated ex-World Heavyweight boxing champion Rocky Marciano dies, aged 45, in a plane crash

September 1969

Singer James Taylor breaks his arm and leg in a motorcycle accident

All five members of The Equals are injured in an autobahn accident in Germany during a gale

Deep Purple's Ritchie Blackmore marries German dancer Barbel Hardie

1st A coup in Libya ousts King Idris and brings Colonel Moammar Gaddafi to power

2nd North Vietnamese president Ho Chi Minh (right) dies

4th The Vietcong call a 3-day truce in memory of Ho Chi Minh

5th ITV makes its first colour television transmissions

5th Lt. William Calley is charged with premeditated murder for the death of 109 Vietnamese civilians in My Lai

16th BIBA opens as a department store in Kensington

21st Police storm a 'Hippy' squat at 144 Piccadilly, London, arresting 200

24th Ton Duc Thang succeeds Ho Chi Minh as President in Vietnam

October 1969

The Moody Blues form their 'Threshold' record label

1st Olof Palme is elected Labour party leader, replacing Tage Erlander as Swedish prime minister

5th Monty Python's Flying Circus (right) is first broadcast, seen on BBC2

14th The 7-sided 50p piece is introduced into circulation

15th The print unions finally allow Rupert Murdoch's purchase of 'The Sun' newspaper

21st Willi Brandt becomes Chancellor of West Germany

24th 47 are hurt in a prisoner riot at Parkhurst sparked by the early release of Soviet spy Peter Kroger

November 1969

Torrey Canyon (right) owners, Barracuda Tankers, pay £3 million compensation to England and France

3rd Work finally begins on the National Theatre building

Quintuplets are born to Mrs Irene Hanson after fertility treatment

14th Colonel Gaddafi nationalises all foreign banks in Libya

14th NASA launches Apollo 12, the second manned mission to the surface of the Moon

15th The Soviet submarine K-19 collides with the American submarine USS Gato in the Barents Sea

15th In Washington DC, 250-500,000 protesters stage a peaceful demonstration against the war

17th Negotiators from the Soviet Union and the USA begin SALT 1 negotiations in Helsinki

18th Joseph P. Kennedy dies, father of the Kennedy brothers John, Robert and Edward

18th Bandleader and composer Ted Heath dies aged 69

19th M.P.s approve a bill to set up a new 'Ulster Defence Regiment' to replace the 'B Specials'

19th Apollo 12 successfully makes the second manned moon landing

21st President Nixon and Japanese Premier Eisaku Sato agree on the return of Okinawa to Japanese control

25th The government authorises licences for 12 new local radio stations

25th John Lennon returns his OBE to protest the British government's support of the US war in Vietnam

27th The Rolling Stones play a concert at Madison Square Garden

December 1969


Barry Gibb leaves The BeeGees to go solo

2nd 98 people are arrested following a pitch invasion during a Springbok rugby game in Aberdeen

2nd The Boeing 747 jumbo jet makes its debut carrying 191 people from Seattle to New York

4th Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark are shot in their sleep during a raid by 14 Chicago police

6th Four people are killed at the notorious Altamont Pop Festival in the U.S.A.

13th The American Supreme Court orders 4 Southern states to end all segregation by February 1970

17th Tiny Tim (right) marries 17 year old Vicki Budinger live on American television

18th The 'experimental' ban on capital punishment in Britain becomes permanent

22nd Bernadette Devlin is sentenced to 6 months imprisonment for inciting riot

   1969 Births
   1969 Deaths

January 3 Michael Schumacher, Formula One driver
January 5 Marilyn Manson, singer
January 14 Jason Bateman, actor
January 14 David Grohl, drummer, composer
January 16 Roy Jones Jr., boxer
January 17 Lukas Moodysson, film director
January 20 Skeet Ulrich, actor
February 1 Gabriel Batistuta, Argentine football player
February 3 Retief Goosen, South African golfer
February 5 Bobby Brown, singer
February 11 Jennifer Aniston, American actress
March 1 Javier Bardem, actor
March 1 Dafydd Ieuan, drummer with 'Super Furry Animals'
March 19 Connor Trinneer, Star Trek actor
April 6 Bret Boone, Major League Baseball All-Star
April 11 Cerys Matthews, singer
April 17 Henry Ian Cusick, actor
April 19 Susan Polgar, chess player
April 25 Darren Woodson, American football player
April 25 Renee Zellweger, actress
May 2 Brian Lara, Trinidadian cricketer
May 3 Daryl F. Mallett, American author & actor
May 7 Eagle Eye Cherry, musician
May 14 Cate Blanchett, Australian actress
May 15 Emmitt Smith, American football player
May 16 Tracey Gold, actress
May 16 Steve Lewis, American athlete
May 18 Martika, Cuban-American singer
June 14 Steffi Graf, German tennis player
June 15 Oliver Kahn, German football player
July 5 John LeClair, American NHL star
August 2 Fernando Couto, football player
August 6 Elliott Smith, musician
August 9 Troy Percival, Major League Baseball All-Star
August 13 Midori Ito, Japanese figure skater
August 18 Edward Norton, actor
August 18 Christian Slater, actor
August 19 Matthew Perry, actor
September 2 Cedric "K-Ci" Hailey, R&B; singer
September 5 Dweezil Zappa, actor, musician, son of Frank Zappa September 13 Shane Warne, Australian cricketer
September 25 Hansie Cronje, South African cricketer
September 25 Catherine Zeta-Jones, Welsh actress
October 3 Gwen Stefani, No Doubt lead singer
October 10 Brett Favre, American football player
October 13 Nancy Kerrigan, figure skater
October 17 Ernie Els, South African golfer
October 19 Trey Parker, co-creator of South Park
October 30 Clay Enos, photographer
November 4 Matthew McConaughey, American actor
November 7 Bryant H. McGill, American poet
November 20 Aqi Fzono, Japanese composer
December 15 Rick Law, illustrator, producer
December 21 Julie Delpy, actress
December 23 Martha Byrne, soap opera actress and singer
December 28 Linus Torvalds, original developer of Linux
December 30 Jay Kay, Jamiroquai frontman

January 4 Violet and Daisy Hilton, conjoined twins, actresses
January 6 James Lister, director
January 8 Albert Hill, British athlete
January 11 Richmal Crompton, author
January 19 Jan Palach Czech student protester
January 25 Irene Castle, dancer
January 29 Allen Dulles, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
February 2 Boris Karloff, actor
February 4 Thelma Ritter, American actress
February 4 Fred Hampton, Black Panther
February 4 Mark Clark, Black Panther
February 9 Gabby Hayes, actor
February 11 James Lanphier, actor
February 14 Kenneth Horne, radio presenter
February 20 Ernest Ansermet, Swiss conductor
February 26 Levi Eshkol, Prime Minister of Israel
March 4 Nicholas Schenck, motion-picture impresario
March 11 John Wyndham, British science fiction author
March 25 Billy Cotton, bandleader
March 26 John Kennedy Toole, American author
March 27 B. Traven, German writer
March 28 Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th president of the United States
May 14 Frederick Lane, Australian swimmer
May 14 Martin Lamble, musician
May 19 Coleman Hawkins, American jazz musician
May 27th Jeffrey Hunter, Star Trek actor
June 8 Robert Taylor, actor
June 13 Martita Hunt, actress
June 16 Earl Alexander of Tunis
June 21 Maureen Connolly, tennis star
June 22 Judy Garland, US actress and singer
July 3 Brian Jones, musician
July 18 Mary Jo Kopechne, aide to Robert F. Kennedy
July 24 Witold Gombrowicz, Polish novelist and dramatist
August 9 Sharon Tate, American actress
August 9 Jay Sebring and Abigail Folger, murdered with Sharon Tate
August 27 Ivy Compton-Burnett, English novelist
August 27 Erika Mann, oldest daughter of Thomas Mann
August 31 Rocky Marciano, world heavyweight champion boxer
September 2 Ho Chi Minh, President of North Vietnam
October 4 Natalino Otto, Italian singer
October 12 Sonja Henie, Norwegian Olympic and World Champion figure skater
October 12 Serge Poliakoff, Russian painter
October 21 Jack Kerouac, US author
October 21 Waclaw Sierpinski, Polish mathematician
October 30 Pops Foster, jazz musician
November 12 William F. Friedman, cryptanalyst
November 15 Iskander Mirza, first President of Pakistan
November 18 Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., father of President John F. Kennedy
November 18 Ted Heath, bandleader, composer
December 4
Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, Black Panther members
December 5 Princess Alice of Battenberg, mother of Prince Philip
December 31 George Lewis, jazz musician (b. 1900)

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