
Sixties City
     through The 60s  
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Carry On Cowboy
Anglo-Amalgamated / Peter Rogers

Director: Gerald Thomas
Producer: Peter Rogers
Screenplay: Talbot Rothwell
Music: Eric Rogers

Made at Pinewood Studios and on location at Black Park,
Fulmer, Bucks and Chobham Common, Surrey

With a name like his it's hardly surprising when sanitary engineer, Marshall P. Knutt, is accidentally mistaken for the newly-expected sheriff of the wild west town of Stodge City which is being terrorised by the Rumpo Kid. As if that isn't bad enough he also has more than his fair share of trouble with incompetent Indians on the warpath led gormlessly by
Chief Big Heap who is not averse to the odd glass or ten of fire-water. Despite not knowing his butt from his barrel, Marshall's reputation grows rapidly as he is ably extracted, unknowingly, from sticky situations by the crack-shot Annie Oakley who is secretly out to severely shorten The Rumpo Kid's career for reasons of her own......

This was the only known 'Carry On' film to exceed the time set for its shooting schedule - and it was only a day late.
Shooting started Autumn 1965     Debuts: Bernard Bresslaw, Angela Douglas, Margaret Nolan, Peter Butterworth


Sidney James, Charles Hawtrey, Kenneth Williams, Joan Sims, Jim Dale, Percy Herbert, Angela Douglas, Bernard Bresslaw, Peter Butterworth, Jon Pertwee,
Sydney Bromley, Edina Ronay, Lionel Murton, Peter Gilmore, Davy Kaye, Alan Gifford, Brian Rawlinson, Michael Nightingale, Simon Cain, Sally Douglas,
Cal McCord, Garry Colleano, Arthur Lovegrove, Margaret Nolan, Tom Clegg, Larry Cross, Brian Coburn, Hal Galili, Norman Stanley, Carmen Dene, Andrea Allen,
Vicki Smith, Audrey Wilson, Donna White, Lisa Thomas, Gloria Best, George Mossman

The saloon dancing girls were supplied by The Ballet Montparnesse

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