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45 r.p.m. 7" Singles - All The Sixties Chart Entries
- Alphabetically by Artist



Most of the data comes from the 'Record Retailer' (Music Week) Top 50 chart which began listing on 10th March 1960. Prior to that, for the first nine weeks of 1960, the NME (New Musical Express) chart is used but which only listed the top 30. Where an entry was a double 'A' side, both tracks have been listed separately for ease of search and view.

Artists are listed alphabetically by the first letter of the artist's name ( excluding 'A' and 'The' ). Where a title appears to be repeated, it is a different release with the same title. Re-releases and re-entries are NOT included although they ARE in the calculated statistics.
The year given is the original release year and the position stated indicates the highest the record achieved at ANY time on the

For the purposes of these chart statistics the chart date has been taken as the Saturday of the week in which the chart was published.
Where no chart was published, the previous week's chart has been used.
For reference, chart publication dates were as follows:

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1st January 1960 to 26th February 1960

New Musical Express chart published on Fridays - Top 30 only
10th March 1960 to 29th June 1967
Record Retailer chart published on Thursdays - Top 50
5th July 1967 to 30th July 1969
Record Retailer chart published on Wednesdays - Top 50
9th August 1969 to 31st December 1969
Record Retailer / Music Week chart published on Saturdays - Top 50
Pop Chart History

TRIVIA: The most successful credited singles artist of the Sixties was Cliff Richard who charted singles discs for a total of 537 weeks, 93 more than his nearest rival, Elvis Presley.
However, Cliff was not the chart champion for the total weeks on chart as a member of any chart act.....
Who was 'The Greatest' with a massive total of 640 weeks on the singles chart? .......... have a guess, and then

Click here to see more Singles Chart Statistics and Trivia

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