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7" E.P. (extended play) - All
The Sixties Chart Entries
- Alphabetically by Artist
first ever separate EP chart was listed by 'Record Retailer'
on 10th March 1960 consisting of 10 titles, and the last was
on 30th November 1967 which only listed nine due to the fall
in numbers of EPs being produced. Prior
to the EP chart listings, EP records were listed on the singles
chart, assuming sales were sufficient to register. On the demise
of the EP chart this practice was reinstated until February
1969 at which time EPs were no longer included.
10th March 1960
The first EP chart
listed the top 10 titles
17th March 1960
The chart
list increased to include the top 15 titles
24th March
The chart list increased
to include the top 20 titles
The top 20 titles continued to be
listed until
14th April 1966
When the list was reduced
to include only the top 10 titles
The top
10 titles continued to be listed until
21st September 1967
When the list was reduced
to the top 9 titles only
November 1967
The last EP chart also listed only
the top 9 titles |
are listed alphabetically by the first letter of the artist's
name ( excluding 'A' and 'The' ). Where a title appears
to be repeated, it is a different release with the same
title. Re-releases and re-entries are NOT included although
they ARE in the calculated statistics. The year given
is the original release year and the position stated indicates
the highest the record achieved at ANY time on the
Pop Chart History